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How to Fix Palworld Stuck on Loading Screen - New Methods [Solved]


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024

Guide to Recovering Corrupted Player Save Data on Dedicated Servers​

If you or your friends are facing issues with corrupted save files on a dedicated server and are unable to log in, follow these steps to recover the data. Note that this process will reset the player’s level and stats, but items, pals, and other data can be preserved.

Step 1: Back Up Player Data​

Before making any changes, back up the ‘players’ save data folder. Find it in the following directory:

'Pal' folder > Saved > SaveGames > 0 > (Random string of numbers and letters) > Players

Copy this folder and keep it safe.

Step 2: Delete Corrupted Files​

Remove all files within the ‘Players’ folder. This will force all players to create new characters upon their next login.

Step 3: Create New Characters​

Start the server and ask players who had corrupted files to log in and create new characters. This will generate new save files.

Step 4: Stop Server and Identify New Saves​

After new characters are created, stop the server to access the newly created save files. Each file is linked to a specific player.

Step 5: Convert Save Files to JSON​

Use the tool provided at Converting PalWorld saves to JSON and back · GitHub to convert both the old (backed-up) and new save files into a JSON format for editing.

Step 6: Delete Corrupted Files from Server​

Remove the corrupted player files from the server if you haven’t already.

Step 7: Determine Player IDs​

Match the new save files to each player’s ID by asking who created which character.

Step 8: Download New Save Files​

Download the new save files from the server and convert them to JSON format using the same tool.

Step 9: Transfer GUID from New to Old​

In the old (backed-up) JSON save file, locate the “InstanceId” field containing a GUID. Replace this GUID with the one from the new JSON save file.

Step 10: Convert Back to Save Format​

Once you’ve replaced the GUID in the old save file with the new one, use the tool to convert it back from JSON to the .sav format.

Step 11: Upload Modified Save File​

Upload this modified old save file back to the server in place of the new one.

Step 12: Restart Server​

Start the server again so that players can join. They should now have most of their previous data, except they will be at level 1.

Step 13: Fix Guild Menu Names​

If players appear without names in the guild menu, kick them from the guild and then invite them back to resolve this issue.

By following these steps, you can help players recover most of their progress after experiencing a corrupted save file on a dedicated server. Remember that this process will reset their character level and stats, but they’ll retain most other progress.