This server is hosted by Indifferent Broccoli and will remain online and and protected by daily backups with no wipes ever.
Server capacity is 32, average egg hatching timer is reduced to 12 hours, and you can build outside the circle without it decaying!
We've surpassed day 650 with only one crash following the 1.4 update with an average daily FPS of 60. So far there's only a few groups, so there are plenty of open guild, building and player slots available!
Currently Steam Clients only, however I will be looking into cross-play when it is released.
Discord invite: qXxFYaAnKW
Server capacity is 32, average egg hatching timer is reduced to 12 hours, and you can build outside the circle without it decaying!
We've surpassed day 650 with only one crash following the 1.4 update with an average daily FPS of 60. So far there's only a few groups, so there are plenty of open guild, building and player slots available!
Currently Steam Clients only, however I will be looking into cross-play when it is released.
Discord invite: qXxFYaAnKW